Dojo Kun - Dojo Maxims
These Maxims are motto's, the spirit of which serious students of Karate should try to follow if they wish to gain the maximum from their training. The Maxims are like the English saying ‘Service not self', ‘Deeds not words' Be prepared' and exemplify an attitude which dictates a way of life.
1. Reisetsu O Mamori
(Stick to the rules). In the dojo good etiquette must be observed by following the rules.
2. Shingi O Omanji
(A student must have loyalty to his instructor). This is the most important thing in Martial Arts. It is not possible for someone to change his style in Japanese Martial Arts - people who do so cannot learn the correct etiquette
and spirit of Martial Arts.
3 . Jojitsu Ni Oberezu
(Teachers and students are not all one). Outside the Dojo you can be friendly with your Sensei but do not take advantage of this friendship.
4. Shinkenmi Ni Tesseyo
(Be serious in your efforts). No flippancy, chattering, smoking, gum chewing, eating or drinking in the Dojo. Concentrate solely on Karate and train hard in everything you do. The dojo is not a social gathering hall and visitors as well as students shall respect the rules and Maxims.